Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Whew! Two-thousand-seven FLEW by! I went back and looked at my post(s) from this time last year and sad to say, I let the busyness of life detour me from some of my goals/resolutions. I did continue going to the gym; no great weight loss there. Matter of fact, I'm still pretty much where I was last year, but I did replace some fat with with muscle, and I do feel better. Maybe I'll work on the weight this year. I could stand to lose about 20 to 30 pounds.

I turn 50 years old this year (March) and that is a sobering thought. I've already started receiving mail from AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) and sometimes, the kids working the counter at McDondald's charge me for the "senior coffee" (because I look old to them, I guess)--that's kinda insulting. My wife suggested I use Grecian Formula on my goatee to prevent "McDonald's incidents." I've already started buzzing my head because my hair is starting to fall out. I figure: "Why fight it?"

This past year was a memorable year in lots of ways. My father spent several months in the hospital--a couple of times near death, but God graciously spared his life. My mom has (still is) dealing with some health issues as well. They live in the Pensacola, FL area and had planned on moving back to Oklahoma last year, but God providentially changed their plans. It doesn't look like they'll be moving any time soon. On the positive side, our family was able to spend some quality time together this past year. We went to the Grand Canyon for a week--AWESOME! The boys and I took a trip to Cleveland, OH and visited the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and then recently, we all spent a long weekend in Branson, MO/Silver Dollar City. Those were some special trips, mainly because our oldest son turns 20 this year, is in college, working on a serious relationship, etc. and probably won't be going on the "family vacations" much longer. Everybody gets older, don't they?

So what will this coming year hold? I expect to greatly disappointed by the 2008 election. I won't even comment on it right now. Probably the biggest change for me will involve work. Our company is up for sale and it looks like the sale could happen pretty quick. We've been an employee owned company since inception, so that will be different. I've got several projects around the house I would like start and finish this year. I also need to work on being "nicer." I tend to come across as harsh, especially when expressing my opinion. I want/need to read my Bible more. I want to be a better husband, dad, Sunday School teacher, and church member.

Several years ago, Don Whitney ¹ compiled Ten Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Year... They are definitely worth the time to read through.

  1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?
  2. What's the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year?
  3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life this year?
  4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and what will you do about it?
  5. What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?
  6. What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church?
  7. For whose salvation will you pray most fervently this year?
  8. What's the most important way you will, by God's grace, try to make this year different from last year?
  9. What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?
  10. What single thing that you plan to do this year will matter most in ten years? In eternity?

You can read more of Don Whitney's articles here. From our family to yours: Praying God's richest blessings to you in this new year.

¹ Mr. Whitney is Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and a member of the Board of Directors for Founders Ministries. My own pastor, Bill Ascol, is also on the Founders Board.


Scotty said...

That ARRP card is a GOOD thing, ya whip that baby out and say, I WANT MY DISCOUNT NOW!!!

Keith said...

I'm all in favor of discounts!!!

Benjamin P. Glaser said...

My Dad was depressed when turned 55 until he realized could now save money as he got older.

Jim W said...

I like discounts, but I can't stand AARP. I'm fortunate (thank God) to make enough that I can pick and choose a bit. So I choose not to associate with AARP due to their liberal leanings, not to mention their silliness in some of their policies. My mother was insured by them for 20 years or so and after they towed her car 3 times in about 5 years (no other claims in the whole time), they canceled her. So, can't stand them. I look for my discounts elsewhere. Lots of people give military discounts, so I grab those when I can. Didn't get much except grief coming back from Viet Nam, so it's kinda nice to get some bones thrown my way now. :)
PS. Things getting back to a semblance of normal, now, since the storm Keith?

Keith said...

Jim W: "Normal"...that's a relative term depending on the amount of damage one sustained.

I still have a couple of small brush piles in my yard. Nothing too bad. My in-laws however, will be clearing timber, broken limbs, etc. for quite some time. My sons and I go over and help them most every weekend since the storm.

It's been really interesting to see how many of us on our block that never really interacted have learned each other's names, checked in on each other, pitched in to help remove debris...kinda sad--as a society/neighborhood--the way we've taken to getting in our cars in the morning, raise the garage door, go to work, come home, close the garage door behind us, and plop down in the easy chair until tomorrow.

Baxter said...

I remember hearing something on "Focus on the Family" about AARP. I'm at that age where, yep, I get their solicitations in the mail, too. Anyway, it was something about how bad they are (I only caught a portion of it, and it seemed like it had something to do with morality) or integrity, so I want to look into them and see what exactly they represent.

Hey, jim w, thanks for serving our country...no matter where it was. :)

Keith said...

Baxter: I've heard some of the same things re: AARP, but haven't had the time to check them out.