Friday, May 19, 2006

Graduation and Emergency Rooms

Verse of the Day
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. Eccles. 4:9-10 (NASB)

My oldest son graduated from high school last night. Five hundred sixty-eight (plus or minus) in his graduating class took about an hour and forty-five minutes to walk across the stage. Ryon was seated toward the front of the class, so we sat through a lot of graduates after he received his diploma (cover). Later in the evening, a good number of the grads attended "Grad Bash"-- a lock-in at the high school gym where they ate, acted crazy, had drawings for door prizes, etc. Just a great, safe alternative to staying out all night to celebrate graduation and possibly getting into trouble. Which brings me to the point of this post.

About three hours into the event, Ryon had what appeared to be a seizure. Since I wasn't there, I can only rely on what I was told, but it seems he became faint, made a comment that he "needed to sit down" and ultimately ended up on the floor, unconscious and shaking. The phone call jolted us from a sound sleep and within minutes I was on the way to the high school, not knowing what was going on with my son. When I arrived, I found him surrounded by some of the most caring teachers, and classmates I've ever seen. They had moved Ryon from the gym to one of the coaches offices; one of the parent/sponsors, who just happened to be a nurse (I think that's what I heard), was there also. Ryon's friends were hovering over him, asking "are you okay?", "do you remember anything?" and other medically technical questions. After taking his vitals, the EMT's decided they would transport Ryon to the hospital for observation. At that point, they still weren't sure what they were dealing with.

At the emergency room, they hooked him up to an IV, attached all kinds of electrodes and monitors, drew blood and "other body fluids." Final analysis: a week of sleepless nights, a family gathering, Senior Appreciation (formerly known as "baccalaureate") service, Senior Assembly (he played guitar with a least two groups), Senior Breakfast, Awards Assembly, Graduation, all-night Grad Bash, very little water and too much Mountain Dew, on top of not taking his medication for ADHD...and you've got yourself a shut-down that looks like a seizure.

Ryon is home now, sleeping. Throughout the whole ordeal, people called and checked on him, especially his buddies from school and church. They are really good kids and I thank God that Ryon calls them "friend."

(L to R) Nathan, Brandon, Michael, Matt, Ryon, and Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen this happen at the school I teach in. We have had a young people over the years I’ve worked there that have had psychotic breaks just before or after graduation. I’m not a doctor or psychiatrist, but I think it is all of the excitement surrounding graduation combined with stress of finals and lack of sleep, maybe a little fear of the unknown future as well. As far as I know, these individuals have had complete recoveries from their episode and are living full lives. The body is an amazing machine and has all kinds of backup plans to protect it.