Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's the Same Every Year

Every year around Christmas, we do the same thing. One night, when everyone is home (and that's getting tougher to do each year), we get together a bunch of snacks and watch "A Christmas Story"-- you know, the movie where Ralphie's mom keeps telling him: "you'll shoot your eye out!" We've been doing this since the mid-80's. Our favorite scene is when "Flick" sticks his tongue to the flagpole and all the other kids leave him out in the snow because "the bell rang" (you'd have to see or know the movie to understand the context). I love it.

M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S!


Collinsville Christian Church said...

Keith, I love that movie! It's my favorite Christmas movie too!

russn said...

Great movie - I could watch it year round.

Unknown said...

OMGoodness we do the same thing,except more often than not we end up watching through out the 24hour broadcast...